The Case For Thru-Hiking Psychology

I was alone, hurrying to Vermillion Valley Resort to make the 4 pm ferry. I crossed Bear Creek (a.k.a. big-ass river) on a massive log, and then I charged into some fast-flowing creeks — quick, quick!  I had to do 16 miles in 6 hours. Water was over my knees —and fast.  And I was rushing.

Hiking Psychology

An Ode to Gummy

Any thruhiker can attest to the greatness of the humble gummy worm [insert affiliate link]. My most loyal companion, the gummy, was with me through thick and thin, sweet and sour—celebrating my greatest efforts and comforting my most crippling defeats. Crying on a rock? Gummy. Made it to Canada? Gummy. Slowly succumbing to hypothermia? Gummy.




After a ~125 mile roadwalk, we reached the border yesterday. It’s rather surreal—and definitely a spectrum of emotions. I’m proud of my accomplishments, sad/disappointed by how this ended, grateful for what I have experienced, scared (and excited!) for the future—a completely blank slate.
